Census Weekend

May 1-3, 2020 is 2020 Census Digital Census Weekend. This is an opportunity to join the effort, to do our part and promote the census on all social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and etc).  On every post, please:

➔ Tag @USCensusBureau in your posts. Census is on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

➔ Use the official campaign hashtags: #2020Census and #ShapeYourFuture

➔ Link to 2020Census.gov so your followers can learn more and complete the census online

Tag the Greater New Haven NAACP page on Facebook

May 1, 2020:
You can inspire others to take a pledge - with your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers- to complete the census and respond now.
May 2, 2020:
For day two, tag 3 friends and CHALLENGE them to complete the census. Use the 2 attachments named Census Square- I challenge you  (suitable for posts on your feed). There are English and Spanish versions.
As an example, for Instagram stories, post the challenge to your story and tag the friends (at least 3) you are challenging. Then, post a second slate with the blank challenge/pledge so friends can easily share the graphic from there !
Sample: The #2020Census informs hundreds of billions in funding for things like education and health programs hat communities need? I pledge to complete the 2020 Census, and I am challenging [@ your friends] to do the same.
May 3, 2020:
Create and post a video or PSA (Public Service Announcement) by using a sample video script below.
10 second video scripts
1. When you respond to the 2020 Census, you help to ensure that your community receives the funding for healthcare that it deserves.  You can do it online, by phone, or by mail. Respond today at 2020Census.gov.
2. In our country, everyone counts- no matter who you are, how you worship, or whom you love. The 2020 Census is how this great American promise is kept. Respond today at 2020Census.gov
15 second video scripts
1. The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of census data and responding to the 2020 Census. Respond today at 2020Census.gov and make sure your family, friends, and neighbors do too! It's safe, easy and important.
2. Spend a few minutes online today to impact the next 10 years of funding on healthcare, infrastructure, and education. We all see how important these are today. Your community needs your help. It's essential that everyone gets counted, including young children.Please go to 2020Census.gov and respond today to make America's tomorrow brighter.
30 second video scripts
1. The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of responding to the 2020 Census and the importance of census date. That's because your response helps shape decisions about how billions of dollars in federal funds flow into communities each year for the next 10 years for critical services like health care clinics, hospitals, and emergency services (e.g. EMTs and fire departments). Emergency situations like COVID-19 illustrate just how important it is to respond to the census. Please go to 2020Census.gov today!
2. Getting an accurate count of everyone who lives in the Unites States is so important, especially right now! The census helps inform how billions of dollars in federal funds are spent every year for services that are critical to all of us, including hospitals, health clinics and emergency responses like EMTs and fire departments. Today, we all see how important services are so please respond at 2020Census.gov as soon as you can!