Annual Freedom Fund Dinner: Save The Date!


The Greater New Haven Branch of the NAACP

106th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner

This is POWER!


Thursday, May 18th ~ 7:00 pm

OMNI New Haven Hotel at Yale

155 Temple Street, New Haven, CT

Our 2023 Honorees:

Valencia A. Goodridge

Chaka Felder-McEntire, Ed.D

David Asbery, Ed.D

Dirk C. Johnson, MD

Ruby Melton


Tickets are $100; Every ticket includes an Annual NAACP Membership

For Sponsorship and Ad information, please e-mail:

*FYI: The application for the Greater New Haven NAACP 2023 Scholarships for

High School graduating seniors from the Greater New Haven area is available!

*Please visit: for scholarship application packet

Completed application must be uploaded to:

***The deadline for application submission is April 7, 2023.

*Please note, one of the scholarships is for a student planning to attend Southern Connecticut State University in the Fall.